
Freeborn & Peters LLP donates to ACE Mentor Program

Adam C. Toosley and Meghan E. Tepas, attorneys at Freeborn & Peters LLP, attended the ACE (Architectural, Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program luncheon on February 23, 2012, to help raise awareness of the organization.  This luncheon is their only fundraising event for the year, and dollars contributed by Freeborn & Peters will go toward the scholarship fund.

The ACE Mentor Program reaches out to urban at risk minority and female high school students and puts them into teams that work with volunteer mentors from various architectural, construction and engineering companies in Chicago.  Each team works on a specific project throughout the school year, and ends the program with a final presentation in front of their family and friends.  Scholarships and internships are awarded based on their performances.  The internship, which includes an orientation and ongoing oversight during the summer, gives students a chance to earn a salary, as well as gain valuable work experience and contacts.